Monday, August 4, 2014

It's a Start?

Today I attempted to go back in to do something with my classroom! Because it's the summer and I haven't blogged in a while I think maybe I will try something about my journey moving into a new classroom, getting a new teammate, my adventures with Donor's Choose and keeping up with some TPT products. Oh ya and I can't forget about differentiation! I am teaching a class this summer and into the fall so I'll be sure to mention my great adventure into teaching adults for the first time!

I'll start you off with some pictures of my new, tiny, jam packed classroom!

I still have two more bookshelves, another table, and a chair that needs to be put together!

Also, my stuff from home needs to make it in too!

So today what I accomplished was unpacking three boxes just to uses the boxes to pack up the piles and piles of stuff left over from the teacher before me. Then, I moved around a few chairs. Friends, I have NO IDEA where I am going with this! I spent the remainder of my time looking around thinking "I had a plan now what?" SO that is...was my adventure for today!

Now, as for tomorrows plans. I KNOW where my library is going so I am starting there! Start with what I know. As for that heaping pile of boxes...over half is books to label with my new labels (soon to be in my TPT store) and sort. WAIT....

Thank goodness I already did that! See, I was smart when I was packing up my classroom at the end of last year!

So hopefully putting my library together will be a smooth process... I will keep you up dated! Below is a sneak peak into my book bin labels and a banner I have made to go in my reading area. Hope your classroom organization is going smoothly, until next time...

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