All About Me

Hello! Since most of you are going to take this little journey with me I figured you might want to know a little about me. My name is Amy Altobelli Laude and I am from Rochester, NY! No, not NYC no where near there.  Actually, right now my husband, two children and I live in a town called Spencerport just outside of Rochester. Teaching and my family are the two most important things to me and trying to spilt my time between the two is HARD! So let me tell you a little about my two loves.

First, teacher, because we know that why you are here. Right now I teach first grade in a little school in Gates-Chili. Its a large school district but a great place to teach, I think! This is my third year and hopefully many more in first. This is the longest I have EVER been at one single grade level. I have also taught sixth grade and second grade as well, just to name a few. I have also taught special education and reading AIS. I think teaching all the other grade levels has made me a better first grade teacher because I know where the students are going and what skills they NEED to master to get there.

Now, the hardest job ever being a mom and a wife! I love, love, love my family and they mean the world to me but boy is it a hard job.  Of course teaching is hard too but there I am in control and can plan, organize, and stick to a routine but at home...chaos! At school I am super organized and home I am NOT...I am working on this. I have two children a boy and a girl. My daughter is in kindergarten and being a teacher mom there is a whole other story! My husband, God bless him.  He is super supportive and does a great job working from home as nurse.  Without these guys and without the help of my mom, aunts, and grandmother I do not think I would be the teacher I am today. 

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